Our Work

Our customers are from all over the world. We used to remote workflows and we can speak fluent English. We can help even if you are far away. Soon we will be publishing some of our code in free modules and others for sale. Checkout our projects – some might be already down, but few are still alive and maintained.

  • Online LPG Gas Approval and Annexing System with necessary legal documents flow, partner verification, notifications and more for Scalmax.pl LPG/CNG systems manufacturer.
  • Full system developed on Magento 1.x for Fashionspecs Direct Ltd. Load balancing environment in AWS, local hardware to web and other way around data communication, local printing, loads of automation. We are currently porting all the features to Magento 2.x.

  • Couple of custom modules for Saddles Direct Ltd. Saddle Valuation system, product renting features, custom newsletter system co-oping with own email server, web pos with receipt printing and cash drawer, infrastructure rebuilt on Linux.

Couple of wordpress websites:





Magento 1

pure php, html and css

pure php, html and css – ekofeder.pl
  • A website for company manufacturing lpg/cng injection systems running Joomla. Custom component allowing legal injection system registration and aligned printouts.
Joomla – acon.com.pl
